Monitor WordPress Performance, Find & Fix Errors | New Relic
アカウントを作成するとGet started with Web App Monitoringという画面に遷移、そこにインストール方法が全て書いてあります
sudo rpm -Uvh http://yum.newrelic.com/pub/newrelic/el5/x86_64/newrelic-repo-5-3.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install newrelic-php5
sudo newrelic-install install
sudo newrelic-install installするとlicense keyを聞かれるので入力します
Enter New Relic license key (or leave blank):
New Relic is now installed on your system. Congratulations!
The last step before you will start seeing data in your account is to restart
your web server or servers, or whatever environment hosts the PHP you wish to
monitor. For example, you may need to restart Apache or nginx, or if you are
using php-fpm and FastCGI, you will need to restart php-fpm. If you installed
New Relic into multiple locations you may have multiple PHP hosts to restart.
If everything is working properly you should see the following two log files:
Now you should create a simple test php script that contains the line:
and point your browser at the test script, and you should see the New Relic
extension and its settings. If you still do not see those log files or data in
your account please contact our support staff at http://support.newrelic.com and be
sure to include the following file in your bug report:
Thank you for choosing New Relic!
sudo service httpd restart
New RelicでAPI Keyを取得する
Account Settings -> Integrations -> Data Sharing
Enable API Access をクリック、表示されるAPI Keyをコピー
W3 Total Cacheプラグインをインストール
performance -> General Settings -> Monitoring
↑で取得したAPI Keyを入力してVerify API keyをクリックすると
Select from the following listでアプリケーションを選択できるようになるので選べばOKです